Cara Menginstall adobe photoshop CS 2

Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Creative Suite 2) adalah sebuah perangkat lunak yang bekerja dengan desain grafis untuk web dan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengoptimalkan meretus atau foto.

Ia dipublikasikan dan dikembangkan oleh Adobe Systems dan sangat ideal untuk: fotografer profesional, Serious fotografer amatir, desainer grafis, dan Web desainer.

  1. Masukkan CD kedalam CDROM
  2. Untuk menginstal Adobe Photoshop CS2 Anda harus membuka Folder "Adobe Photoshop CS2" dan kemudian klik "Adobe Setup".
  3. Pilih bahasa.
  4. Klik "Instal Photoshop CS2".
  5. Menambahkan nama Anda atau nama panggilan ke kotak yang disediakan, kemudian buka folder anda Adobe Photoshop kunci gen ( "tombol gen.exe"), dan menambahkan nomor seri ke dalam setup. Anda akan melihat pesan: "Peringatan: tidak menutup kunci gen program, anda akan membutuhkannya nanti!"
  6. Ini adalah kunci generator untuk mendapatkan nomor seri! Jangan menutup it yet! Kembali ke setup lapangan dan klik berikutnya. Anda dapat melihat bagian lain dari instalasi muncul yang menyatakan "Aktifkan Adobe Photoshop"
  7. Kunjungi aktivasi dan klik pada pilihan "oleh telepon melalui sistem otomatis aktivasi perangkat lunak", kemudian tekan "Aktifkan" tombol.
  8. Sekarang Anda harus kembali ke "kunci gen" dan menambahkan aktivasi dalam jumlah produk untuk menghasilkan kode Otorisasi Anda!
  9. Anda meletakkan aktivasi nomor aktivasi nomor di lapangan dan kemudian klik . Otorisasi kode Anda sekarang akan muncul! Sekarang Anda menambahkan kode Otorisasi dan menyelesaikan instalasi produk Anda.
  10. Input kode Otorisasi dan kemudian klik "Aktifkan". Sekarang anda terinstal Adobe Photoshop, diaktifkan dan siap untuk digunakan!


Membuat sendiri Web Komunitas secanggih YouTube, MySpace, Odeo, Flickr, Match and Facebook dalam satu paket software

Seiring dengan Infrastruktur Internet di indonesia yang sekarang sudah semakin baik, semakin cepat dan semakin murah, tentu saja jumlah pengguna internet indonesia akan semakin banyak. Penetrasi Internet indonesia pun semakin meningkat tajam. Namun sayang sekali tidak diimbangi dengan kemunculan Konten Lokal yang dapat menyemarakan Internet di Indonesia seperti : (sayang situs ini domain sudah expire sejak 09-May-2008)

Sehingga .... para pengguna internet indonesia lebih suka mengunjungi Web Komunitas / Jejaring Sosial di Luar Negeri seperti :


Mungkin dengan membaca artikel sy ini ..... para pembaca sekalian tergugah untuk Membuat sendiri Web Komunitas di dalam negerinya sendiri yang tidak kalah menarik dari YouTube, MySpace, Odeo, Flickr, Match and Facebook. Bahkan kita dapat menggabungkan YouTube, MySpace, Odeo, Flickr, Match and Facebook kedalam satu paket software. Software Web komunitas tsb adalah

Sumber :

Sekilas kita bingung ...... mengapa harus membuat sendiri Web Komunitas? lagi pula sudah banyak yg gratisan seperti YouTube, MySpace, Odeo, Flickr, Match and Facebook. Iya juga ya? .... Tetapi menurut sy "Tidak juga lho?" ..... jadi apa dong keuntungan nya kalau kita membuat sendiri Web Komunitas?

Nah begini nih ....... sy kasih contoh sedikit ..... pemanfaatan software Dolphin ini, bagaimana kalau setiap sekolah SMP, SMU, Universitas membangun Web Komunitas untuk kepentingan sekolah atau kampus nya masing-masing? Wah bakal seru tuh ...... Para siswa atau mahasiswa nya dapat saling berkomunikasi antar sesama bahkan para Alumnus nya juga bisa Reunian secara Online. Jadi sekolah atau Kampus tersebut kan jadi terangkat baik nama dan popularitas nya. Wuih .... keren lho sekolah gua? ..... Wuih keren lho kampus gue? Punya Web Komunitas sendiri .......
Nah begitu kira-kira manfaatnya ....

Software Dolphin ini terdapat 2 Versi yaitu :

1. Versi Gratis (Ad-Link)
2. Versi Berbayar (Ad-Free License $39/year or $99/unlimited)
Detail price dapat dilihat di

Dolphin dapat di download di

Dolphin dapat di install di Server Linux maupun Windows

Feature Dolphin sbb:

What's New In Dolphin 6

Dolphin 6 is like a whole new world. Over 90% of code re-written. DB tables count doubled. Features set tripled. It's optimized, improved, accelerated, pumped up and set to win your heart.

* Flexible Site Width
* Couple Profiles
* Improved and expanded Builders: Fields Builder, Pages Builder
* Dynamic Comments System
* User's articles
* Permalinks for: Articles, Blogs, News, Shared Photos, Shared Music, Shared Video, Groups, Events, Classifieds
* Imroved footers design and display
* Optimized code, improved performance, caches everywhere
* Adaptable picture rotator
* Search-Engine-And-User-Friendly URLs
* Improved scalability and speed
* PHP classes for Groups, Galleries, Member Panel and much more

General Features

* Blog (photo upload, user can create different categories, permissions, comments)
* The ability to sort member menu and groups on member menu
* The ability to approve "x" number of profiles simultaneously
* Cash profile info
* General folder for all pics
* Smiles Pack
* Multiple languages support
* Default integration of Ray Community Widget Suite
* Default integration of Orca Interactive Forum Script
* Optional integration of phpBB, vBulletin
* Optional integration of Barracuda Collaborative Directory Software
* Registration Security Images
* Email member profile
* On-fly photos auto scaling
* Profile of the month, profile of the week and profile of the day
* "Links", "FAQ", "About us", "Contact us", "Privacy", "Terms of use", "Services" pages
* Affiliate system with commissions tracking routine and security tools
* Quick search
* Advanced search
* Sorting and search narrowing
* ZIP codes search options
* Matchmaking (auto search based on user-specified criteria)
* Cupid mail (matchmaking results auto-sending)
* Search for online members, searching members, communicating (in IM) members
* Integrated with PayPal by default
* Supports recurring billing from PayPal
* Can be integrated with any other payment processing company (PaySystems, Authorize.Net, iBill, 2checkout, etc.)
* 100% automated billing system. Script automatically sends purchased information after payment is processed and performs multi-level anti-fraud checks
* Several payment providers could work simultaneously
* Page and Profile Builders
* Site layout - from 1 to 4 columns

User Part Features

* Customizable profile view
* Browse profiles with narrowing ability
* Country flags on-fly selection
* E-mail confirmation routine
* Checking e-mails to be unique
* Members registration form - 2 steps by default
* Smart shopping cart with history
* Invite / tell a friend
* New members (auto-displaying of photos of latest registered users on the main page)
* "Online/Offline" user status
* Merchant account integration
* Personal Media Gallery (audio, video and pictures)
* Shared Media Gallery (audio, video and pictures)
* Personal Blog
* Friends List
* Guestbook
* Friends Only and Registered Only permissions for GuestBook comments
* Gmail Like Mailbox Conversations Archive
* Events
* Classifieds
* "Random Quotes" system
* One-click lists with online users
* Top-rated profiles lookup
* Zodiac signs lookup in profiles and search results
* Newsletter
* "Last logged-in" information
* Essay (extended "About me" section)
* Profile ratings
* Number of profile views with the ability to list members who viewed the profile
* Automatic member gender prompt for profiles search
* Dating polls
* Automatic photos upload system
* Search results can be presented in the form of a photo gallery
* Optional displaying of additional photos only to gold or purchased members
* Photos rating (similar to
* Personal Weblog commenting
* Double-blind virtual greetings
* Double-blind messaging
* Messenger with storing system
* Advanced control panel for members (profile status and all-contacts information)
* Media (video and audio support for profiles)
* Configurable Flash-based online live-chat system
* HotList (buddies, favorites)
* Block members (members can block all correspondence from certain members)
* Ability to choose event, order ticket and provide matches ids
* Ability to post own article
* MD5 encrypted member's password
* User friendly links (ModRewrite function)
* Ability to create Couples profiles

Administration Panel Features

* User-friendly, convenient online administration system
* Site pages builder
* Fields builder
* Navigation menu builder
* Moderators Accounts to approve and edit profiles
* News module with admin tab
* Automatic success stories posting with "latest story" feature
* Graduated pricing, credits system, customizable memberships
* Advanced Banner System and Adsense Integration
* Easy to follow calendar
* Members Pictures Customized Water Mark
* Individual member promotion and membership assignment
* Five types of user account status
* Search by ID, e-mail and nickname
* Confirmed User email notification for admin
* "Variables" section to manage sitewide functions
* User-friendly profile fields modification system
* Site's styles file modification
* Integrated language file modification capabilities
* Automatic update availability alerts
* Admin interface to create moderators
* Updated admin finance calculator
* Multiple languages support
* Featured profiles generating
* Optional profiles auto-approve
* Installation wizard for fast and easy scripts installation
* Easy texts, code, graphics modification
* Free trial membership (admin ability to set up the period length and conditions)
* Automatic database cleaning (administrator can specify allowed inactivity period)
* Displaying the number of registered members from defined countries who are online/present
* Links exchange campaign
* E-mail notifications/newsletter system
* "Articles" system for more text content
* Admin ability to set Cupid mail options
* Plugin configuration features
* Banners rotation system management
* Ability to bring random, online, last, and top rated profiles to the home page
* Ability to set minimum number of characters for "About me" and "About you" fields
* Ability to set required size of "Password" field
* Customizable number of photos a member can upload
* Ability to choose currency image used for transactions
* Admin ability to set up events, place, time and events' manager contact info
* Ability to set up events, place, time and events' manager contact info
* Ability to set up events and place a picture
* Ability to set matches number
* Printer-friendly users' list, matching users
* Automatic billing and transactions generation
* Ability to create any membership type
* Ability to define membership access level
* Ability to define customized membership requirements
* Ability to give permissions to all users to contact each other for free
* Ability to give gender type users gold membership during sign up

Semoga bermanfaat dan Selamat mencoba

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